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Міські олімпіади з англійської мови:

2022-2023 н.р.
Геркалюк Анна - ІV місце
Семенков Богдан - ІV місце
2021-2022 н.р.
Геркалюк Анна - ІІІ місце
Сидорук Іван - ІІІ місце

2019-2020 н.р.
Геркалюк Анна - ІІІ місце
Лазарчук Ганна - ІІІ місце
Возна Діана - ІІІ місце
2018-2019 н.р.
Лазарчук Ганна - І місце
Апенюк Анна - ІІІ місце
Малицький Дмитро - ІІІ місце
Мазур Марина - ІІІ місце

Обласні олімпіади з англійської мови:
2019-2020 н.р.
Лазарчук Анна - І місце
Speaking Comprehension Topics for the 8th  Form   


1.     My family and me. Home duties. Household chores.

2.     My friend (appearance, character).

3.    My native school. School life. After classes activities.

4.     My hobby. My family hobby.

5.    My native town and its historical places.

6.    My favourite holidays.

7.    Sports in our life. Olympic Games.

8.    Food. Favourite dishes and cooking.

9.    Health and care. Healthy lifestyle.

10.        Why do people travel?

11.        My favourite subject. English lesson.

12.        Schools in Ukraine.

13.        Schools in Great Britain.

14.        Shops and shopping.

15.        Books in my life. My favourite writer.

16.        Cinema. Visiting the cinema. (Theatre. Visiting the theatre).

17.        Great Britain (geographical position). London sightseeing.

18.        Ukraine (geographical position). Kyiv sightseeing.

19.        Mass Media.

20.        Music in my life.



Speaking Comprehension Topics for the 9th  Form


1.      Choose a favorite holiday.

     Explain why you like this holiday so much.

    Tell a story from your life that illustrates what this holiday means to you.

      Explain how your family’s traditions are typical, or not, for Ukraine.

 2. Your local newspaper is interviewing you because you are the representative from your town for the National Olympiad.

  Tell a little about yourself.

    Explain how your academic achievements have led you to this competition.

       Explain what you will do while you are visiting Uzhhorod that will make the people of your hometown proud of you.

3.      What is the most important quality a friend can have?

  Why is this quality so important?

Do your closest friends have this quality? Do you?

  How can you work to improve on this quality?

4.       The popularity of mobile phones is growing among young people.

  Why do teenagers today have mobile phones?

     What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones for teenagers today?

     In your opinion, at what age should children be allowed to have a mobile phone?

5.       What do you believe are the most popular free-time activities among youth today in Ukraine?

  Why do you believe they are so popular?

      Are these activities beneficial to Ukraine’s youth as a whole?

     What are some free-time activities that can help your society?

6.      Linguist Frank Smith said, “One language sets you in a corridor [a narrow passageway] for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”

      What does this quote mean? Explain it in your own words.

    Does this quote apply to your own experiences, learning and speaking English?

      Is it important to learn foreign languages? Why, or why not?

7.      Everyday millions of people visit video-hosting sites such as YouTube.

Why have these sites become so popular? Do you or someone you know watch these clips?

What makes such sites different than television?

How do these clips influence society? Give examples.

8.     The world is becoming increasingly urbanized.

Why are more and more people living in cities?

In the future, do you think people will live in the countryside?

Is living in a' city a sustainable lifestyle? Explain.

9.     Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter. You have the opportunity to interview any person in the world.

Who would you choose to interview?

How has this person influenced people’s lives?

What three questions would you ask first?

1. Imagine you have the power to see the future.

What advantages and disadvantages accompany this gift?

What responsibilities come with this gift?

Would you make the knowledge of your ability public? Why or why not?

11.   Ursula Le Guin once said, ‘There are no right answers to wrong questions.”

Do you agree with this statement or not? Why?

What is a right question for you? What does it consist of?

In your opinion, what is more important: to ask a right question or to respond with a right answer?

12.    C.S. Lewis said, “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”

What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people can become your friends?

Are your family members or your friends more important to you? Do you consider your family your friends?

How do you make new friends?

13.    Muhammad Ali said, “Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."

Describe one of your closest friends.

How do you maintain a good friendship?

Has a friend ever let you down? Explain.

14.    Saint Augustine said, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page”.

Have you ever been abroad? Where have you been? (If you have not yet been abroad, where would you like to go?)

Describe the most interesting person that you have met on one of your travels (either in Ukraine or in another country).

Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling? Describe it.

15.     Mary Ritter Beard said, “Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living”.

Which foreign country would you most like to visit? Why?

Have you ever gotten lost while traveling? If so, tell about it.

What kind of souvenirs are you interested in collecting when you travel?

16.    Robert Louis Stevenson said, “We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find In our travels is an honest friend."

Have you ever made friends with other people while traveling? Do you still keep in touch with them?

What are some benefits of travel? Why do people travel?

Do you prefer to travel with friends, family, or alone? Why?

17.    About 100 years ago, ten percent of the world’s population lived in cities. By 2008. however, half of the world’s population lived in cities.

In your opinion, why has this change occurred?

Is this change a positive or negative development? Explain.

Where do you think most people will live in the future: in cities, in suburbs, or in the countryside? Why?

18.    Describe a memorable meal that you have had.

Why was it memorable? Was the food excellent? Was the company delightful? Is there another reason?

Have you ever had an awful meal? Why was it awful?

If you could share a meal with anyone in the world (alive or deceased), who would you choose? Why?

19.    Do you read for pleasure? (Do you r.ead books that you do not have to read for school?)

How much do you read for pleasure? If you do not currently read for pleasure, would you like to? Why or why not?

What have you read recently that you would recommend? Why are you recommending this book?

Do you prefer to read paperback books, or books displayed on a computer/e- reader?

20.   Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks.          

Which do you prefer? Why?

How can taking risks be positive? How can taking risks be negative?

Provide several specific examples to support your opinions?


Speaking Comprehension Topics for the 10th  Form

1.  Celebrities have a lot of influence nationally and internationally.

      Of which Ukrainian celebrity are you most proud?

      What are some of this celebrity’s accomplish­ments?

      How does this person bring pride to your nation and culture?

2.   The choices we make in our youth can greatly ' affect our adult lives.

      What decision have you made in your life that you think will be the most important to your future?

      If you could, would you change the decision you made? Why? Why not?

      What future decisions do you foresee needing to make?

3.   Change is an essential part of the development of a community, especially in today’s rapidly changing world.

      In your community, what are the most notable changes you have seen in the last year?

      Have these changes been positive or negative?

      What do you think should be changed? Why?

4.   You are now in the tenth form. Soon, you will graduate from school. Reflect on your experiences through the following questions.

      What advice would you like to give to younger pupils about school life?

      What would you like to see changed about your school or the system of education in Ukraine?

      What are your goals to improve yourself in your future life at university or in your career?

5.   Henry David Thoreau said, “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."

      What is your biggest goal in life? How do you plan to achieve that goal?

      What are your “short-term” and “long-term" goals?

      Once you have finally achieved your life goal, what will you do then?

6.   John Maxwell said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

      What is a leader? When you think of a leader, who is the first person to come to your mind?

      What are the qualities or characteristics that every leader should have?

      Are some people natural leaders and other people natural followers? Why?

7.   Bruce Lee said, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it”.

      What are some characteristics of your personality?

      Would you like to be different?

      In what way has your personality changed during your lifetime? Why has it changed?

8.   Sherry Anderson said, “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”

      Why do people volunteer? Would you like to work as a volunteer?

      Have you ever benefited from someone’s volunteer work?

      What situations need volunteer workers?

9.   Tinie Tempah said, “At the end of the day, I’m a human being and I just think that’s what it is. Challenging stereotypes by just being who I am.”

      What is a stereotype? What are some stereotypes?

      Do you believe other cultures have stereotypes about your country? What might they be?

      Why do you think people stereotype? How can stereotypes be damaging?

10.   Mark Twain once said, “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”

      Do you think it is important to always tell the truth?

      In, what situations is it forgivable - or even better - to lie?

      Have you ever told a big lie? Why?

11.   Bill Gates said, ‘The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.”

      Are new technologies always a good thing?

      Are all technologies necessary? Is a new technology sometimes worse than the original?

      What technologies do you use every day? Could you live without them? In what way?

12.   Someone offers you a chance to see your future. Do you take this chance?

      How might knowing your future affect your decision-making for the rest of your life?

      Do you think that knowing the future would make it possible to change it? How?

      Do you believe it is better to be prepared or to be surprised in life? Why?

13.   In your opinion, what are the main characteristics of a good school? Do they have to do with physical things, or with the atmosphere, the teachers, and the students?

      What characteristics are most important to you?

      What can make a school bad?

      How can you help make your school better?

14.   Having goals in life is important, because it keeps you focused and allows you to set priorities.

      What are some goals you have set for yourself?

      Have you made steps towards accomplishing these goals?

      What are some obstacles you have faced and overcome while trying to reach your goals?

15.   Tell about the best city or place that you have visited.

      What is it about this place that makes it significant to you?

      Describe this place and its points of interest.

    What suggestions would you have for other people who wish to travel to this location?

16.  When planning for the future, it is important to make clear, definite goals. What are your main goals for life?

    What might happen in the future if you do not make plans and set goals now?

    If your future does not fulfill your plans or hopes, how will you react?

    Which people and sources of information can help you decide about your future?

17.  Describe the village, town, or city where you live.

    What is unique about your village, town, or city?

    When friends from other places visit you, where do you take them?

    What offbeat places - places not on the typical tourist list - would you suggest that a tourist in your village/town/city visit? Why?

18.  In your opinion, how important is keeping a clean house?

    Do you enjoy cleaning and other household tasks?

    When you are living on your own, how do you think your approach to housekeeping will be like or unlike that of your parents? Why?

    Do you think people tend to judge others by how clean - or dirty - their homes are?

19.  Consider the following quote, from Augustine of Hippo: “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."

    Do agree with this quote? Why, or why not?

    Have you had the opportunity to travel? Do you enjoy traveling?

    In your opinion, what are the benefits of travel?

20.  A lot of people fear public speaking (speaking in front of a large audience).

    Do you get nervous when you have to speak in front of a crowd? Explain.

    Would you rather write a fifty-page essay, or deliver a 30-minute speech? Explain your choice.

    What are some way s that you - or someone who fears public speaking - could work to overcome the fear?

Speaking Comprehension Topics for the 11th Form


1.   Technology has changed more in the past 10 years than it has in the previous 50.

     How has growing up with this technology made your life different from that of your parents’?

     In what ways have these technological inventions been beneficial or harmful?

     Do you think it is important to keep up with technological inventions? Why or why not?

2.   What do you think are Ukraine’s most valuable resources?

    How can you interpret the word ‘resources’?

     Do you think these resources are being used wisely?

     What changes could be helpful to protect or utilize these resources in the best way?

3.   Consider the two proverbs: “A man is defined by his actions,” and “It’s the thought that counts."

     Explain the differences between the two proverbs.

   Which proverb do you agree with the most?

·       Describe an example from your life that supports your choice of proverb.

4.   In what ways should parents support their children as they transition into adulthood?

  In what ways do/don’t your parents support you?

     What are the tradeoffs between parental support and independence?

     Is there ever a point when you can become completely independent?

5.   Robert Collier says, "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out."

     Describe a time in your life when you experienced success.

     What were the small efforts you made to achieve success?

    Can success truly happen overnight?

6.   Utopia is an imagined place or state of being where everything is perfect.

·       Describe your vision of utopia.

     What would society be like in this new world, and what role would you  play?

  What potential challenges would your utopia face?

7.   “To read a book is to hold an entire world in the palm of your hand. That world is unique to you: no two readers can ever inhabit the same world.” - Arthur Schopenhauer

     Explain what this quote means to you. Do you agree or disagree?

     Describe one book that has created a unique world for you.

    How can a book be different for each reader?

8.   Albert Einstein said “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction.” Do you agree or disagree?

     In what ways has technology helped and harmed society?

     What would your life be like today without technology?

     What do you think technology will be like in your future?

9.   Wikipedia has quickly become one of the largest online reference websites.

     How have you used Wikipedia for school or recreation?

    Which do you think is generally more reliable and accurate- information found in printed encyclopedias, or information found online? Why?

     If you were writing a Wikipedia page on something you are an expert in, what would the topic be?

10.    Public transportation is becoming more popular around the world, but a lot of people still rely on personal transportation (cars, bikes, etc.) to get around.

     What is your favorite form of public transportation?

     What are the main arguments for promoting public transportation, and what are the counter­arguments?

    What do you think public transportation might look like in 300 years?



11.       Junk food is gaining popularity in the modern world.

     Have you seen any effects of this in your country?

     Do you think junk food is a problem, and should this problem be addressed? By whom?

     Who stands to lose the most if junk food becomes less popular?

12.       The Statue of Liberty in New York City is a symbol of the United States. What sorts of monuments symbolize Ukraine?

     What is the history behind these monuments?

     What do they symbolize to you?

     If you could create a new monument to symbolize Ukraine, what would it be and why?

13.          Nowadays, the Internet allows new musicians and artists to post their work on websites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and DeviantArt. Some people believe that these amateur artists have caused a decrease in the overall quality of art, while others believe these websites make it easier for truly talented artists to find an audience.

    Which side of this argument do you agree with?

     When you want to find new music or art, where do you look?

     What do you think makes art "worthy" of a museum?

14.      If you were to win the lottery and decide to take a trip around the world, what would be your itinerary? Why?

     What would be your first and final destinations? Why?

     Would you prefer to travel alone or with another person?

     If you left Ukraine for a long time, what things from your country would you miss the most?

15.          The famous neurosurgeon, Henry Marsh, once said, “What are you if you’re not helping people? You’re nothing, nothing at all.”

     Tell a story about a time in your life when you have volunteered, or when you have helped someone who needed it.

     Do you feel a greater sense of importance when you’re doing something that involves helping your community?

     What benefits do you, as a volunteer, get from volunteering?

16.          It is often said: "You never get a second chance at making a first impression."

     What does this quote mean, and how important are first impressions?

     What things do you immediately decide about someone when you meet them?

     Tell a story about a time in your life when your first impression of someone was incorrect.

17.            Many pupils spend time after school participating in clubs or helping their parents at home.

     Which activities do you participate in after school? Why did you choose these activities to get involved in?

     What are the trade-offs for students participating in clubs like these?

     You have been chosen to create an after-school club or program. What will you do, and how will you motivate your fellow students to join?

18.           Imagine that Ukraine has a program to send volunteers abroad. You are going to be a volunteer in America for one year.

  What kind of volunteering would you like to do?

  What are your expectations for life in America?

     What specific Ukrainian traditional items would you bring to share with Americans?

19.           You are a famous author and you have been asked to write a new book.

     What genre of fiction or non-fiction would your book be?

    Who would be your target audience? Why?

    Summarize the plot of your new book.

20.           Imagine that you are a photojournalist and have the chance to create a photo essay about any celebrity.

  Who would you choose to photograph and why?

     What type of theme and setting would you choose for your photo shoot?

     Give some examples of questions you would ask this celebrity.


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